Bring attention to important information in your docs by using one of JustDocs built-in shortcodes.


Use the Info callout to call attention to some important information.

{{% callout info %}}
This is some important information.
{{% /callout %}}

The above renders as:

This is some important information.


Use the Tip callout to notify the reader about some good-to-know information.

{{% callout tip %}}
This is some good-to-know, but maybe not critical information.
{{% /callout %}}

The above renders as:

This is some good-to-know, but maybe not critical information.


Use the Warning callout to let the reader know that if they do (or don’t do) something, something bad will probably happen.

{{% callout warning %}}
This is a warning.

Something bad will probably happen if you do this.
{{% /callout %}}

The above renders as:

This is a warning.

Something bad will probably happen if you do this.